Job Information
BASF Regional Category Buyer - Cellasto in India
O bjecti v es of t h e P osi t ion
Negotiate competitive pricing for attachment parts, tooling and tolling
Curation of local Indian supply base to match future of Cellasto business/ overall purchasing strategy including technical development
M ain T as k s
Prepare, execute and evaluate vendors and negotiations (RFX) of respective category
Implement and monitor contracts and their technical processing in relevant systems
Steer procurement management including: responsibility for achievement of agreed KPIs, supplier relationship management, internal business partner relationship management (iBPRM), proactive identification of new suppliers and development/value generation potential of different technologies/suppliers, reporting/ price forecasting/ local market intelligence, implementation of agreed upon procurement processes, and non conformance management if applicable
Participate in the development, implementation, and monitoring of procurement strategies. Implementation and monitoring of regional purchasing strategies within global purchasing strategy.
Lead and participate in procurement relevant projects.
Take on VE technical topics after obtaining proficiency in delegated procurement at Cellasto. (dev opportunity)
M ini m um E d u cation and Q u alifica t ion R e q ui r ed for t he P osition
Engineering University degree
Automotive experience (even better if this includes technical knowledge of injection molding, die casting, stamping, etc.)
Strong negotiation skills (past procurement experience is a plus),
Willingness to learn BASF procurement process (including legal aspects of procurement, drafting/negotiation of contracts, etc.) and participate in strategy creation for India region
Mastery of English and local language(s)