Campus Pride Jobs

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Job Information

Edgewell Personal Care Brands, LLC Account Supervisor in tokyo, Japan

Job Description

Position Summary

Sales is responsible for achievement of sales numbers through sales activities in line with company growth strategy.

Universal Accountabilities

  • Account supervisor has capability of account planning, problem solving in selling and category management.

  • In charge of 3-4 key account retailers and 2-3 distributors.

  • Execute account business plan that in line with sales strategies.

  • Execute various measures to maximize in-store off take and distribution.

  • Directly responsible for the achievement of the individual sales target numbers.

  • Account supervisor has capability of account planning and problem solving in selling.

Required Skills , Experience and Competency

Must have

  • 5+ years of sales experience in FMCG or similar industries.

  • Experience in charge of retailer’s head quarters responsibility by manufacturer side as sales.

  • Sales experience in working with wholesalers.

  • Driver licence is required.

  • MS Office – Excel, PPT, Word – intermediate level is required.

  • Native in Japanese.

  • University Degree.

Nice to have

  • English Capability.

Leadership Competency

  • Move forward (Challenge, Create and learn)

  • Listen up/speak up (Open minded. Say it straight. Listen to understand)

  • People first (Build relationship)

  • Own it Together (Teamwork, collaboration)

Working Relationships

  • Reports to Sales Manager

  • Internal: Sales team members, Sales Planning team members, FMD team members etc.

Job Tools

  • Microsoft Office Applications

  • PC, mobile phone, share office member ship card are provided.

  • Company leasing car and parking lot fee are paid by company.

  • Share office membership card is provided.

Work Environment

  • Going to straight to the customers site and back.

  • Share office (off-site) is available.

  • Head office in Meguro, Tokyo with Free address desk.

Job Description

Position Summary


Universal Accountabilities

  • アカウント・スーパーバイザーは、アカウント・プランニングと問題解決能力を有し、カテゴリーマネジメントを通じて営業活動を遂行する。

  • 3~4の主要アカウント(小売)をメインにその他代理店に紐づく小売を担当し、2~3の代理店本社窓口及び複数の代理店支社を担当する。

  • 営業戦略に沿ったセールスプランを実行する。

  • 様々な施策を実行し、店頭でのオフテイクと配荷を最大化する。

  • 担当する顧客の営業目標数字の達成に、直接責任を負う。

Required Skills, Experience and Competency


  • 5年以上のFMCGまたは類似業界(食品など)での営業経験

  • メーカーサイドの営業として、小売店の本部担当の経験

  • 代理店(卸)との協業経験

  • MS オフィス使用経験者(エクセル、パワーポイントは中級レベル以上)

  • 日本語(ネイティブレベル)

  • 大卒以上

  • 第一種運転免許証所有者


  • 英語力


  • Move forward (挑戦、創造そして学びを大切にする姿勢)

  • Listen up/speak up (オープンマインドで、理解するために他者の話を聞き、自分の意見も率直に表明する姿勢)

  • People first (人間関係の構築)

  • Own it Together (チームワーク、協業する姿勢)

Working Relationships

  • レポート先(直属上司):セールスマネージャー

  • その他社内におけるステークホルダー:セールスチームのメンバー、セールスプランニングチームのメンバー、FMD チームノメンバー等

Job Tools

  • MS アプリケーション

  • PC, 携帯電話貸与

  • 営業車(リースカー)貸与、駐車場代は会社負担

  • シェアオフィス(New work)利用可

Work Environment

  • 直行直帰スタイルの就業形態

  • 外勤営業活動以外は、目黒本社(フリーアドレス)、もしくはシェアオフィスで業務遂行可能

Job Description

Position Summary

Sales is responsible for achievement of sales numbers through sales activities in line with company growth strategy.

Universal Accountabilities

  • Account supervisor has capability of account planning, problem solving in selling and category management.

  • In charge of 3-4 key account retailers and 2-3 distributors.

  • Execute account business plan that in line with sales strategies.

  • Execute various measures to maximize in-store off take and distribution.

  • Directly responsible for the achievement of the individual sales target numbers.

  • Account supervisor has capability of account planning and problem solving in selling.

Required Skills , Experience and Competency

Must have

  • 5+ years of sales experience in FMCG or similar industries.

  • Experience in charge of retailer’s head quarters responsibility by manufacturer side as sales.

  • Sales experience in working with wholesalers.

  • Driver licence is required.

  • MS Office – Excel, PPT, Word – intermediate level is required.

  • Native in Japanese.

  • University Degree.

Nice to have

  • English Capability.

Leadership Competency

  • Move forward (Challenge, Create and learn)

  • Listen up/speak up (Open minded. Say it straight. Listen to understand)

  • People first (Build relationship)

  • Own it Together (Teamwork, collaboration)

Working Relationships

  • Reports to Sales Manager

  • Internal: Sales team members, Sales Planning team members, FMD team members etc.

Job Tools

  • Microsoft Office Applications

  • PC, mobile phone, share office member ship card are provided.

  • Company leasing car and parking lot fee are paid by company.

  • Share office membership card is provided.

Work Environment

  • Going to straight to the customers site and back.

  • Share office (off-site) is available.

  • Head office in Meguro, Tokyo with Free address desk.
