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South Bend Empowerment Zone Behavior Interventionist- SPED in South Bend, Indiana

POSITION TITLE: Behavioral Interventionist POSITION SUMMARY: The Behavioral Interventionist (BI) is a non-certified position assigned to provide targeted assistance to students with special needs who present significant behavioral challenges. The BI has a daily schedule in the classroom but may be called upon by the administrator or Teacher of Record to intervene with a student who is demonstrating a significant behavioral issue in another part of the building. The BI will be an active member of the district Behavior Intervention Team and will participate in data collection, observations, student staffing and behavior strategy training/implementation in the classroom. The BI will be required to complete specialized training throughout the year to develop and sharpen skills needed in working with students who present challenging behaviors. The BI will be required to maintain confidentiality and present a professional appearance and demeanor. IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR: Special Education Supervisor, Building Administrator DUTIES: Participate in specialized training before the start of the school year and periodically throughout the school year. Training will be related to behavior interventions, crisis prevention, collaborative problem solving and de-escalation strategies Follow behavior intervention strategies described in the individual behavior intervention plan (BIP) Provide assistance in a classroom to students with IEPs according to a daily schedule Supervise students who may need to utilize calm down strategies in a designated location in the building Participate as a member of the building Crisis Team with current CPI training Participate on the Behavior Intervention Team including classroom training and modeling of specific behavior support strategies for a classroom teacher, paraprofessional and other building staff Weekly consultation with the special education social worker or Behavior Consultant for specific student concerns Collect data on behavior strategies and classroom interventions implemented with students Consistently implement behavior and academic accommodations in the classroom with fidelity Conduct formal guided observation of students in the classroom or building with documentation provided to the BIT QUALIFICATIONS: Two years of college; or History of working effectively with students exhibiting significant behavioral challenges. " />

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Behavior Interventionist- SPED

Job Description

Primary Location LaSalle Academy

Salary Range Per Hour

Shift Type Full-Time

Job Contact Information

Name Tonia Brewer

Title Director of Exceptional Learners


