Campus Pride Jobs

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Job Information

ENVISION DALLAS PRN-Orientation and Mobility Specialist in Farmers Branch, Texas


Responsible for assisting blind and visually impaired clients to achieve personal adjustment and maximum independence through orientation and mobility training and techniques that aid in daily living skills. Interviews clients, conducts assessments, provides instruction and/or training, and evaluates progress to determine present, and required or desired orientation and mobility goals.


Conduct orientation and mobility assessment process with client that focuses on both short-term and long-term needs of the client. Includes the needs and strengths of the client and an estimate of the length and frequency of service necessary to meet identified needs and goals.

Prepare sequential and meaningful instruction geared to the clients assessed needs, IEP goals and objectives, functioning level, and motivational level to include all of part of the following:


Perform intake assessment


Patient evaluation report


Physical conditioning


Sighted guide technique


Pre-cane skills


Orientation skills


Functional vision skills


Bioptic training

Prepare and use equipment and materials for the development of orientation and mobility skills, e.g., tactual maps, models, distance low vision aids, and long canes.

Confer regularly with family members, parents, teachers, and/or other special education personnel to assist in work, home and classroom environmental modifications, adaptations, and considerations and to ensure reinforcement of appropriate orientation and mobility skills that will encourage the client with a visual impairment to travel independently in these settings.

Provide orientation and mobility instruction, to include but not limited to, body imagery, sensory awareness, spatial concepts, compass direction concepts, basic protective and information gathering techniques, map skills, and cane skills.

Instruct clients/students with visual impairments in the development of skills and knowledge that enable them to travel independently, to the highest degree possible, in accordance with the clients assessed needs and goals and the clients IFSP/IEP/ITP.

Teach clients/students to travel with proficiency, safety, and confidence in familiar and unfamiliar environments.

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