Campus Pride Jobs

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Job Information

Atlus Pest Solutions Memphis Pest Control Service Technician in Cordova, Tennessee

Requirements: Must have a valid drivers license and respectable driving record, able to sit or walk for extended periods of time and the spatial ability to navigate to and from customer homes, periodically crouch/crawl for up to 2 hours consecutively, able to lift up to 20 pounds frequently and 50 pounds periodically, able to pull up to 20 pounds occasionally, and be able to communicate effectively in both verbal and written form

Reporting Relationship: Reports to Service Manager

Supervises: N/A

Job Summary:

This person is expected to have a solid understanding of the proper way to treat a customers home while providing G.R.E.A.T customer service and be knowledgeable about the use of all equipment (sprayers, etc..) and vehicle operation. This person may also be responsible for delivering product and picking up materials as needed. In addition, this person must be able to effectively communicate with the office, other technicians, and customers in a professional manner.

Essential Functions:

  • Manually load and unload product onto and off of truck
  • Operate a vehicle
  • Operate various types of equipment used to treat the interior and exterior of the home (sprayers)
  • Safely handle all products used for treatment
  • Complete written invoices and complete related documentation following each inspection
  • Communicate effectively with office, co-workers, and customers
  • Effectively navigate to customer locations
  • Use various types of rigging to product in vehicle during transport
  • Walk on uneven terrain (up to 2 hours continuously), crouch (up to 2 hours continually), climb (as needed), and lift (up to 50 pounds) to maintain vehicle, treat homes, and access both the vehicle and customer attics and crawl spaces
  • Ability to look up and reach overhead for extended periods of time for up to 1 hour continuously (dewebbing/inspections)


  • Clean, maintain, and fuel vehicle

Contextual Information:

Will be held solely accountable and responsible for all work performed. The majority of responsibilities will take place in a well-lit outdoor environment, however temperature and weather extremes should be anticipated. Additionally, while operating hammer drill, you will experience a high level of vibration and must be able to withstand for up to 1 hour per occurrence.

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